Image Profile


Cesarina from 2023

My speciality: Tonnarelli all'amatriciana

I live in: Bologna

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Good to know

I offer vegetarian alternatives

Hi from Maurizio!

I devote myself with passion to traditional regional cooking, embracing recipes from Emilia, Tuscany, and Lazio, without shying away from culinary innovation and exploration. I pay close attention to the seasonality of ingredients and the origins of raw materials, favoring locally-sourced products. Equipped with excellent communication skills, I place particular emphasis on the story behind every dish, as well as on hospitality and welcoming my guests.

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My specialities
  •  Tortelli on the plate
  •  Chicken with sweet pepper
  •  Tomato bread soup
16 reviews
It was a very nice competition. I will always remember of this beautiful cooking experience. Thank you so much.

Renate - July 2024

Maurizio was simply the best. He welcomed my mom and I into his beautiful home and gave us a cooking experience we will always treasure. He took us to the local market to get the ingredients for our delicious lunch and showed us around his lovely neighborhood. He also took the time to make us a dinner reservation at one of his favorite restaurants! I would recommend this experience to anyone. It is the highlight of my Italy vacation. And the food was PERFECTO!!

Birdie Brown - July 2024

A wonderful, fun filled experience. Maurizio and partner were welcoming and informative. We felt completely at home in their beautiful apartment. The pasta making was fun and resulted in a fabulous lunch. A wonderful way to experience Italian food and hospitality.

Elaine  - July 2024

We spent a delightful day at the home of Maurizio learning to make ravioli, fettuccine and gnocchi. Our host and his partner were extremely welcoming and it wasn't long before we felt as comfortable as old friends. Maurizio's instruction in the art of pasta making was clear and kind as we worked out way through the pastas. Music and many laughs helped us along a did the lovely setting of their apartment. Lunch made with our efforts was plentiful and delicious and the conversation was easy as we all shared some stories about our backgrounds and interests. We left feeling we had experienced true Italian hospitality. A cooking class with Maurizio is highly recommended.

Linda  - July 2024

La serata "Perfetti sconosciuti" a cui abbiamo partecipato è stata un'esperienza sorprendente. Siamo stati accolti dal Cesarino Maurizio e dal suo compagno Marco con un caloroso sorriso e un’ospitalità che ci ha subito messo a nostro  agio. L'atmosfera amichevole e rilassata, ci ha fatto trascorrere una serata all'insegna dell'allegria e della buona cucina e le luci soffuse e la musica di sottofondo hanno creato un ambiente intimo e accogliente. Maurizio con grande professionalità e un pizzico di umorismo ci ha guidato nella preparazione della piadina e delle chiacchiere, la sua capacità di spiegare in modo chiaro e coinvolgente ha permesso a tutti di godere di una splendida esperienza culinaria. Assolutamente da ripetere prestissimo!

Entusiasmante - July 2024

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