Image Profile

Maria Sole e Rossella

Cesarina from 2022

My speciality: Classic lasagna

I live in: Bologna

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Good to know

I offer vegetarian alternatives

Hi from Maria Sole e Rossella!

"With a grandmother from Bologna and a grandmother from Sicily, I could only have a passion for good cooking since I was a child. After several courses and a food and wine master's degree at the Gambero Rosso school, I traveled abroad working as a cook in various restaurants; when I returned home, I the desire to let even those who don't know it taste our cuisine, explaining its origins and processes.Mamma Rossella and I welcome you to our home where together we try to convey a little of that passion and love for good food to our guests too . Ours is a healthy cuisine, which focuses on the quality of the raw materials, but which does not forget tradition. In addition to the typical Bolognese specialties, we love vegetable cuisine and pastry. Our strength is synergy: our mother, the excellent mistress of home and wine connoisseur, she knows how to welcome guests and pamper them while I take care of the cooking and explain the preparations both in English and in Italian".

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My specialities
  •  Tigelle and cold cuts
  •  Classic lasagna
  •  Tiramisù
7 reviews
Io sono emiliana, fin da bambina ho visto e aiutato mia madre nella preparazione di tagliatelle, tortelloni e lasagne, tradizione che purtroppo non ho portato avanti. Questo corso con Maria Sole ha risvegliato in me la memoria di gesti antichi e la voglia di "sporcarmi" le mani di farina per far si che questa arte non si perda. La versione vegetariana che propone Maria Sole coglie perfettamente il mio sentire e coniuga la tradizione con l'evolversi del gusto moderno. Ospitalità impeccabile ! Maria Sole ha condiviso insegnamenti e "trucchetti" con piacevolezza e competenza. Consiglio vivamente a tutti il suo corso. E vi assicuro che anche chi la sfoglia la sa già fare ci troverà nuovi spunti e nuove idee.

Caterina - November 2023

Sole warmly welcomed us into her home and generously shared with us her vast knowledge of baking and extensive kitchen skills. My sister and I learned to make three typical Bolognese desserts. Sole gave us many helpful tips and the desserts were beautiful and delicious.

Carole Cooke - November 2023

Absolutely fantastic class with Sole. My son and I had a blast and I finally learned why my pasta dough always ends up too firm! Would absolutely recommend this to anyone wanting to learn some more plant-forward recipes .... they're delicious.

Justin - July 2023

Our class with Sole was the highlight of our visit to Bologna! Not only did we learn to make fresh pasta tortelloni, lentil ragu tagliatelle and pesto lasagna, but we also had an amazing dinner and had so much fun.

Ben & Karoline - July 2023

My daughter and I had a delightful time last night with Cesarine Maria Sole and Rossella. They taught us how to make three delicious dishes with homemade pasta and their hospitality was exceptional. We were able to experience firsthand how genuinely wonderful the Bolognese people are. We highly recommend booking a cooking experience with them!

Suzie  - April 2023

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