Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina tradizionale Bolognese

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Durata 3h

Max 4 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso con 2 ricette di pasta, tiramisù e aperitivo seguito da una degustazione di piatti preparati durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa

In un’esperienza condivisa potrebbero aggiungersi altri ospiti, fino al raggiungimento del numero massimo di persone che l’host può accogliere. Potresti quindi avere la possibilità di condividere la tua passione per il buon cibo e la buona cucina con altre persone provenienti da ogni parte del mondo!

La tua esperienza
  • Tagliatelle
  • Tortelloni
  • Tiramisù

All'arrivo ci sarà un piccolo aperitivo con prodotti locali e vino Emiliano, tipo Pignoletto.

Dopo aver gustato le prelibatezze locali, impasteremo la sfoglia e come prima pasta ci sarà una pista ripiena, solitamente condita con burro, salvia e parmigiano. A seguire, una pasta fresca non ripiena tipo tagliatelle condite con ragù bolognese. Per finire, come dolce il tiramisù. Il tutto sarà servito in una bella tavola apparecchiata in sala da pranzo, con camino e vista sul verde, accompagnato da buon vino e acqua minerale. Concluderemo con un caffè espresso.

6 recensioni
it was a very lovely cooking experience, Luciana did all her best to show us, how it works with the tortellinis and it was a great adventure to do them of our own. Luciana is very warmly to recommend

Sabine - febbraio 2024

Absolutely fantastic time - 5 hours of sheer delight learning to make Tagliatelle, Tortolini, sauces, and Tiramisu. Luciana was great , hospital and a perfectionist - I spent time enjoying the afternoon learning the dishes, chatting and also doing a fun activity with my son who also booked the session.

M Haq - febbraio 2024

I arrived at the home of Luciano and discovered I was the only participant which was amazing as I would effectively get a private class. I was even more thrilled that I could do the whole class in Italian with Luciana’s good friend Valerio able to help in English if I did not understand something. I felt very at home and relaxed and both Luciana and Valerio were very chatty and interesting. The class was simply amazing. I was nervous about handling the pasta and folding the tortellini but Luciana was patient and guided me and in no time I was making the beautiful little tortellini. It was also interesting to learn how to make traditional tiramisu. Along the way it was nice to sip some wine and enjoy the generous local produce snacks. Lunch was served in Luciana’s beautiful dining room. Luciana had spent hours the day before making the brodo with incredible ingredients. When I had my first spoon of brodo and tortellini I literally felt emotion rising up within myself - it was incredible and I have never tasted anything like it before. You will not get it this good in a restaurant. The dessert and conversation was fantastic. They were in no rush at all and we went well beyond the scheduled 1pm finish - I left at 2.40pm in a food haze and very happy. One of the best experiences of my 5 week trip to Italy - thank you Luciana and Valerio.

Gavin - novembre 2023

Luciana was a wonderful host. Her hospitality was very warm and friendly. Her cooking skills were everything we could have hoped for. I would highly recommend Luciana for a Cesarine cooking class.

Emilia D - ottobre 2023

Ciao Luciana, Grazie miile for a perfecto day. We had a lovely time visiting your local shops, and you poured your heart and soul into our tagliatelle ragu. We can't wait to cook it and our tiramisu at home. We learnt so much from you and your fantastic translator. We would love to come back one day and would recommend to everyone. We also made it to the top of the 600 arch arcade after we left you..... We needed to walk off the lunch and the lovely vino.

Sarah and Abi - maggio 2023

149,00 € per ospite

72,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Bologna    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Luciana è la nostra Cesarina che vive a due passi da Porta Saragozza. La porta dalle quale ha inizio il porticato - con i suoi 666 archi è il più lungo del mondo - che conduce al Santuario di San Luca, che per i bolognesi è un punto di riferimento, è il sentirsi già a casa.  Anche dalla nostra Cesarina ci si sente davvero a casa, si respira aria di tradizione. La tradizione dei pranzi di famiglia, della raccolta di ricette della nonna scritte sul taccuino da tramandare di generazione in generazione, del tirare la sfoglia, di un piatto fumante di tortellini...     
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