Cooking classes

Cooking class ossobuco and saffron risotto

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Silvia e Antonio


Duration 3h

Max 8 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Cooking class: learn how to cook traditional & innovative Italian recipes from a local Cesarina

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    This will be an unforgettable culinary experience! We will guide you through the preparation of saffron risotto with ossobuco, a classic Milanese dish rich in tradition and taste. The evening will begin with a selected aperitif to delight the palate and immediately set the right mood. Vibrant colors, enveloping music and a festive atmosphere will be the stars of the evening. We are waiting for you to enjoy this fantastic culinary experience together!


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    €152.00 per guest

    €76.00 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
    Image Profile
    Silvia e Antonio
    Cesarina from 2024Location: Milan    Languages: Italian and English
    We love to welcome guests with dishes from Italian tradition, drawing inspiration from recipes from our family's origins (Piedmont-Liguria), Lombardy (the region where we live), and Puglia (handed down by our Salento grandmother). Appetizing appetizers and a good glass of prosecco will help "warm up the atmosphere." Our guests will enjoy traditional Italian dishes, sharing joyful hours with us in our home full of vibrant colors, lights, and music.
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