Pranzi e cene

Emozioni emiliane a tavola: il gusto e tradizione di Bologna

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzo o cena: aperitivo e menù a 3 portate con vino incluso e dimostrazione di cucina su un piatto del menù

Esperienza privata

Un’esperienza privata è riservata a te e agli eventuali ospiti per cui hai prenotato: non si aggiungeranno altre persone e potrete così godere della massima privacy.

La tua esperienza
  • Piadina con squacquerone, rucola e salumi
  • Tortelloni burro e salvia
  • Tiramisù

La mia esperienza in un laboratorio di pasta fresca è stata fondamentale per acquisire l'arte della sfoglia e i segreti dei tortellini, un'autentica eccellenza bolognese! Vi aspetto per un pranzo o cena dai sapori emiliani. Il piacere inizia con la piadina fatta e tirata a mano, accompagnata dai gioielli dell'Emilia Romagna: prosciutto di Parma, Mortadella, Coppa di Parma e l'immancabile squacquerone. La portata principale prevede i tortelloni, realizzati e tirati a mano, ripieni di ricotta di pecora e prezzemolo, conditi con burro e salvia. Infine, per deliziare il palato, il favoloso tiramisù. Venite a gustare quest'esperienza conviviale, sentendovi accolti in un'atmosfera calorosa, e assaporate ogni piatto preparato con amore da me per i miei ospiti. Vi aspetto!

32 recensioni
We had so much fun meeting Alessandra. She was welcoming and informative. She made learning how to make pasta seem so accessible and simple. We had an opportunity to get to know a bit more about her, learn some history about food in the various regions of Italy, and chat with her delightful father for a few minutes! The people, food, and experience was exactly what we were hoping for. If you enjoy meeting local people when you travel plus learning something new, I highly recommend this experience and Alessandra!

Chad and Christie - marzo 2024

We did a food walking tour with Alessandra . She was absolutely fantastic. Her English is incredible and she took time to get to know us and design a perfect tour for us balanced with what we had already done. She has incredible knowledge and came up with a great way to cook everything we asked about. We had a wonderful picnic lunch in the footsteps of Stanley Tucci - Amazing Host

Jane and Megan Dickson - febbraio 2024

Alessandra and our cooking experience absolute perfection! She was so warm and welcoming and the environment was peaceful and inviting. We even got to briefly meet her cute, funny father! :) Alessandra is so skilled yet was incredibly patient with us as we formed dough and rolled it out. The food was outstanding… we kept thinking “we can’t believe we just made that!” :) She gave us great information about cooking processes and about the food in the region and beyond. We would 100% recommend this experience and Alessandra to anyone looking for a great time while in or near Bologna. It was definitely worth a train ride.

Tyson and Megan W. - novembre 2023

I had an amazing experience making pasta. Alessandra was very kind, knowledgeable, and patient. I felt right at home in her class. Can’t wait until the next class. Thank you so much for everything !

Tatiana - novembre 2023

Alessandra welcomed us to her home and got us cooking right away. We’re sure she could make tortellini in her sleep yet she was patient with us showing us how to knead and roll properly. She made our experience fun and was always encouraging. She said, “Every family’s tortellini is the best in the world.” We had tortellini twice after that day and we think she’s right. Her filling is perfection. Forming the tortellini is harder than it looks but we feel we can do it on our own🤞. We both believe we wouldn’t have gotten the attention Alessandra showered us with any where else. Grazie!

Andrea and Katherine Mesi - novembre 2023

95,00 € per ospite

47,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Bologna    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Originaria pugliese sono a Bologna da 23 anni. Mamma di tre bimbi, laureata in legge ho svolto parecchi corsi in ambito culinario e ho conosciuto delle persone preziose grazie alle quali ho appreso i segreti della cucina emiliana. Ho anche lavorato in un laboratorio di pasta fresca che mi ha insegnato l’arte della sfoglia e i segreti dei tortellini! Bologna è detta la grassa proprio per la sua particolare attitudine godereccia. E la cucina rispecchia appieno questa caratteristica. I primi, i secondi i contorni e i dolci si caratterizzano per la loro ricchezza di profumi, sapori e colori accostati ad arte per ottenere una vera Allegra Sinfonia.
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