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Cesarina dal 2022

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maddalena!

"Amo realizzare piatti tipici campani, in particolare della tradizione salernitana e Irpina con un'attenta selezione delle materie prime, molte delle quali di produzione propria. Cucino da sempre per i miei familiari, amici e ospiti della mia azienda agricola". 

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1 recensione
I wish I could give more than 5 stars! Maddalena and her family were absolutely wonderful! We had the best time making ravioli, tagliatelle and cavatelli. They were so generous and welcoming, we truly felt like part of the family. Maddalena gave us step by step instructions on how to make the pasta and all of the food and wine was fresh from their garden & vineyard. Their home was gorgeous with beautiful views of the mountainside. We felt immersed in the Italian culture in a family friendly setting which was so comfortable and picture-perfect. I would recommend going to see Maddalena & cooking with her and her family 10 times out of 10!

Bianca - giugno 2023

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