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Cesarina dal 2020

Piatto forte: Ravioli con caciotta di Sorrento

Vivo a: Sorrento

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Martina!

La nostra Martina è la Cesarina più giovane del Network, ma sulla cucina tradizionale sorrentina non la batte nessuno ed è tutto merito della nonna, dice lei. "Vivo a Sorrento, in una casa circondata da un giardino di agrumi e con vista sul golfo di Napoli. Ho la fortuna di avere un grande orto dove coltivo frutta e verdura, prediligendo una coltivazione biologica. La mia tavola racconta i ricordi legati a piatti e ricette dell'infanzia."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Treccia con insalata di pomodoro sorrentino
  •  Ravioli con caciotta di Sorrento
  •  Pollo alla cacciatora
52 recensioni
Awesome experience, one of the best of our vacation. Would highly recommend to anyone considering!

Anthony DiLella - luglio 2024

Martina was excellent, the scenery was gorgeous, and the food was delicious!

Ashby Heath - luglio 2024

Martina made this an unforgettable experience! We did a small group class and didn’t know what to expect, but it was perfect. She made her home feel like our home, made the class a lot of fun, the food was great and the views were just as good! We have already recommended the class to family and friends visiting in the coming months.

Tully & Maddie Horne - luglio 2024

A wonderful evening with a warm and knowledgeable host family. Martina was instructive, helpful and gracious. A fun communicator. We enjoyed our two-person cooking lesson experience -- and made a great meal, with desert, for our dinner that evening.

George - maggio 2024

Amazing cooking class with Martina! We had so much fun. Only thing is she didn’t send us the recipes as promised even when we reached out to her via WhatsApp.

Cory - novembre 2023

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