Image Profile


Cesarina from 2022

My speciality: Pasta and potatoes with provola

I live in: Vico Equense

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Good to know

I offer vegetarian alternatives

Hi from Teresa!

"My name is Teresa and I am lucky enough to live in Vico Equense, a splendid town which boasts a world-famous food and wine tradition and which has given birth to some of the most famous starred chefs of the moment. I am a simple and hospitable person, I love share the pleasures of the table with relatives and friends. I often re-propose old family recipes but I don't disdain the charm of innovation and experimentation. My love for the home, the land, cooking and simple things make me bring to the table mainly vegetarian dishes based on vegetables and greens, strictly in season, grown by me and my family in a garden a few kilometers from my house (located in the city center).delicious provolone del monaco.My menus will obviously vary in based on the seasonality of the raw material.According to the best family traditions with the products of my garden I make preserves of all kinds, from pickled oil to jams to finish with tomato preserves".

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My specialities
  •  "Ziti alla Genovese"
  •  Pasta and potatoes with provola
  •  Potato gateaux
19 reviews
Nuestra experiencia con Teresa marcó un antes y un después en nuestra visita en Italia. Nos mostró la calidez y el amor por la cocina que toda su familia tiene,…..desde el proceso de prensado de un aceite de oliva extra virgen hasta los tomates cultivados por su familia en su propio huerto. Nos enseñó a realizar ñoquis con ingredientes simples pero con técnicas totalmente innovadoras y siempre explicándonos qué todos los ingredientes tienen algo especial de su amada VICO EQUENSE. El tiempo pasaba y nuestra visita también …….. Nos sentamos en el living de su casa que apropósito es encantadora no solo por la vista increíble que tiene desde su terraza sino por tener una mezcla de antiguo con un piano con imágenes de toda su familia a la modernidad actual. El plato principal no solo fue su comida sino fue conversar con LA NONA y el Nono , Giovanni el esposo de Teresa y su hija tuvimos una cena familiar que me remontó a cuando era domingo en mi casa y comía toda la familia junta. Esa fue la esencia que no se puede comprar ni en el mejor restaurante del mundo. Lo que aprendimos y disfrutamos con Teresa y su familia quedará siempre en nuestro corazón. No tenemos mas que agradecimiento para Tereza y su hermosa familia.

Patricia Melcon - October 2024

Teresa was wonderful, from the moment her and her beaituful family greeted us, to the end where they went the extra mile to help my family with last minute travel arraignments. Teresa warmly welcomed us to her home and shared with us her love and talent for the fresh and organic food of Southern Italy. This was so much more than a cooking experience. One part history lesson in Neapolitan cuisine and equal parts a Thursday night dinner party with your best friends. I recommend this experience 10 out of 10! It was the highlight of our beautiful trip to Vico Equense!

Angela - September 2024

What a fabulous day ! Great cooking, great food, great experience. Loved it !

Kirsty - September 2024

Teresa was warm, welcoming and I had a wonderful culinary experience. I learnt new skills and gained an insight into local cuisine. Thank you so much .

Barbara - June 2024

We had a fantastic evening with Teresa and her family. Amazing location and lovely people.

Peter - June 2024

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