Corsi di cucina

Cinema ritrovato: “Bianco, rosso e verdone” di Carlo Verdone

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Durata 3h

Max 10 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Inglese, Italiano, Giapponese, Francese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione italiana con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Tortellini, smeraldini e corallini: tre straordinarie varianti di un piatto tradizionale! Il classico tortellino in brodo, lo smeraldino con pasta verde e il corallino dal vivace colore rosso. Un menu che trae ispirazione dal suggestivo titolo del film "Bianco, Rosso e Verdone". Ognuno di essi racchiude un ripieno e un condimento unici: i tortellini in brodo, gli smeraldini con crema di parmigiano e i corallini avvolti in un delizioso ragù. Un'esplosione di sapori e colori per deliziare i sensi e conquistare il cuore di ogni commensale!

    14 recensioni
    What a fantastic experience! Cristina was an amazing host, knowledgeable and passionate about her cooking. She was a patient and encouraging teacher. She helped me and my daughter feel very comfortable and welcome. I am excited to try the recipes at home!

    Carrie V - maggio 2024

    Our biggest recommendations to Christina and her cooking class. We had the best 3 hour pasta course in Christinas home. Christina has been cooking with her grandma from she was a child and she shared all her passion and love for making pasta with us. Christina is so friendly and made us feel comfortable from the beginning. We would love to go back and take another class with Christina .

    Esther - ottobre 2023

    We booked our 40th wedding anniversary trip to Italy with a desire to have memorable experiences rather than the usual tours around town. Our evening cooking with Cristina in her lovely home is an experience we will always cherish. Cristina was warm, friendly, and welcoming, as if we were old friends coming back for another visit. We learned so much about Italian cooking, Bologna-Style, and we believe we have established a new life-long friendship with Cristina and her husband.

    Ron M. - settembre 2023

    Cristina was an exceptional cooking teacher. She not only provided me with newly learnt skills in the kitchen, but gave excellent content to the historical understandings of the local area, produce and family traditions. It was a most delightful time spent with Cristina and I highly recommend this particular experience.

    Lanella Sweet - agosto 2023

    Cristina was absolutely amazing. My husband and I very much enjoyed her company and instruction. The pasta we made was definitely the best pasta we had in Italy. She also sent us all recipes and even videos showing different steps. I would 100000% recommend.

    Alisha Riasati - luglio 2023

    127,00 € per ospite

    64,00 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
    Image Profile
    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Bologna    Lingue: Inglese, Italiano, Giapponese, Francese
    "Sono nata e cresciuta in centro a Bologna. Le mie due nonne erano cuoche straordinarie ed io adoravo stare con loro e ammirarle mentre preparavano le loro specialità. Piano piano ho arricchito, per la mia grande passione, i miei menù diventando così il riferimento per la mia numerosa famiglia ad ogni cena delle grandi occasioni."
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